BattleBlock Theater Wiki
This is for Hatty's beautiful ship that crashed onto the Island. For the in-game item, see Boat
Ss friend ship

Much like the Titanic! Except it sank on land... Wait, no, that's not right...

The S.S. Friendship was the cruise ship Hatty Hattington and his friends were riding when they crashed into BattleBlock Theater.


The S.S. Friendship is a giant ship with a light blue as its primary colouration, it has one foremast. Although the types it resembles the most are a Fluyt ship, or ironically enough a Friendship sloop, the classification of the S.S. Friendship was not specified until recently by Dan Paladin on the official Behemoth discord, saying it’s a “custom built cruiser”.


The origins and backround of the S.S. Friendship are never specified in the game but it can be assumed that Hatty either fully owns it or is the main captain. In the beginning cutscene in story mode, the S.S. Friendship crashes after a massive storm, landing the protagonist and rest of the surviving crew members onto the island where Battleblock Theater is located. This kickstarts the rest of the game.

The ship was wrecked in the storm, but was patched up using the pelts of cat guards and then used to escape at the end of the games’ story mode, although the sail is torn and the boat is in a horrid condition overall.


  • There was also a 1897 cargo Australian ship known as the S.S. Friendship, but whenever that is pure coincidence or a reference is not specified.

